

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/4/2 13:43:00


Introduced as a provocative topic, Professor Maurice Buchbinder, Foundation for Cardiovascular Medicine, La Jolla, California admitted himself to finding the role of percutaneous aortic valves as controversial. The current generation devices in transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) he outlined are.....

Percutaneous Aortic Valve: Will It Replace Surgery? Buchbinder
CRT at CIT, Plenary Hall A, 11.13-11.26

    Introduced as a provocative topic, Professor Maurice Buchbinder, Foundation for Cardiovascular Medicine, La Jolla, California admitted himself to finding the role of percutaneous aortic valves as controversial. The current generation devices in transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) he outlined are: the Edwards Aortic Bioprosthesis, a balloon expandable stainless steel bioprosthesis, with an equine bovine pericardial valve, sheathed with tip deflection and for antegrade, retrograde or trans-apical introduction; and the CoreValve Revalving System, a self-expanding, nitinol cage bioprosthesis with a porcine pericardial valve, a sheathed system and a used with a retrograde (sub-clavian) approach. Overall, data based on comparisons from the SOURCE and EuroSCORE registries show promising results with a significant improvement in quality of life. Aortic insufficiency remains an issue for the future. Randomized data is currently not available, but with the PARTNER trial results due in 2014, a clinical comparison of the hemodynamic performance of percutaneous and surgical bioprostheses should be available. Professor Buchbinder stated “we have come a long way”, and TAVI has a good chance, however lots remains to be proven.



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