
[ASH2010]The Screening Techniques and Mechanisms of Renovascular hypertension——Lerman教授专访

Lilach O. Lerman ASH 2010 Interview

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/5/21 11:42:00


<International Circulation>: The non-invasive screening techniques for renovascular hypertension include MR angiography, CT angiography, Doppler ultrasound and captopril renal scintigraphy. Do you have any advice on how physicians should choose these techniques?


     <International Circulation>: Do we have any large-scale clinical trials that have examined the benefits of revascularization compared to medical treatment alone to improve renal function in patients with renovascular hypertension?


    Prof. Lerman: The largest trials that have been recently published are the STAR trial and the ASTRAL trial from the Netherlands and the UK. These studies failed to find a benefit for revascularization compared to medical therapy alone. However, we are still waiting for the results of an ongoing trial in the US called the CORAL trial, which is an NIH funded trial of several hundred patients who have been randomized to optimal medical therapy and revascularization. I believe the results of this trial are not due until 2012 so we are still waiting for the results but so far the results of other trials have failed to detect a significant benefit for revascularization.

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Prof. LermanRenovascular hypertension

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