

作者:  J.S.Rumsfeld   日期:2010/11/17 15:18:01



  <International circulation>:  With many databases, large cardiovascular registries , and large scale clinical studies, can more meaningful information be data mined if the relationship between those studies are established?

  Dr Rumsfeld  :  I think that is a really great question.  It speaks to the gap that there has been between so called efficacy trials, for clinical trials that are often done to test a new drug or a new device to get it on the market say in the United States or Internationally.  And in a different way we have these large clinical registries like we do through the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association.  Those tend to be measures of what is going on in clinical practice and the two have not been well linked but I think there is a new movement afoot, at least in the United States, of trying to link those two efforts.  Number 1, the US Food and Drug Administration is increasingly interested in having clinical registries serve as the post market surveillance studies once a new drug.  So at least you have the clinical study that got the drug or device approved and at least you would have follow up studies in the registries to look at their real world benefit and safety.  Second of all, the American College of Cardiology in collaboration with Duke and founded by the National Institutes of Health in the United States, we are putting together what we call a National Clinical Research Infrastructure and what we are trying to do is to do exactly what this question asks.  That is we are trying to marry the clinical registries that are out there trying to measure current practice and do clinical trials over that infrastructure and what I mean by that is that we are going to take the sites that are contributing the clinical registries and have them participate in randomized trials.  The randomized trials will come up and get done and then you have the built in follow up in the registry and that truly will marry that data, otherwise it can be quite difficult to take a randomized trial database and somehow compare it to a registry database.


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