

作者:  Vardas   日期:2011/9/1 17:49:28



    <International Circulation>: HF patients with NYHA (New York Heart Association) class Ⅱ were recommended to accept CRT based on several clinical trails such as the RAFT study. But there were some different voices that there may be an overuse of CRT according to the guidelines. What’s your opinion about CRT therapy in patients with mild heart failure symptoms?  


    Prof Vardas: The trial in question enrolled 1798 New York Class 2 or 3 heart failure patients. I would like to remind you that 20% of these patients had New York Association class 3 heart failure. It is important to emphasize that mortality in this trial was reduced by 25% because of CRT. In addition the risk of the primary endpoint was signoificantly reduced by 25% from 40%. This alone indicates that this was an encouraging trial for patients who even with class 2 to receive CRT; of course we have to look at other parameters. After all we are talking about patients with broad QRS; we should look at how symptomatic the patients are in specific areas and how much the mechanical dysynscrony is. In general the results of RAFT were encouraging.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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