
[GWICC2011]ESC房颤指南要点解析——Panagiotis Vardas访谈

作者:  Panagiotis.Vardas   日期:2011/10/20 11:10:39



  International Circulation: Will it drop below amiodarone or be removed completely?
  Dr Vardas: Actually it will be emphasized that dronedarone cannot be used in patients with heart failure or in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. Of course, I have to confess something else. Even in the existing guidelines we do not suggest using dronedarone in patients with heart failure and we don’t suggest using dronedarone in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. In fact we say the opposite. We say that dronedarone should not be used in patients with heart failure but again after the new findings of the PALLAS trial, we are going to publish a new updated report. Indeed, I cannot say what the new report will say as we have not commenced writing it so it is risky to say that in the new report dronedarone is going to lose its position. What I can officially announce here is that we are thinking to publish a new report very soon where we are going to re-evaluate the role of dronedarone in the guidelines. Finally, the new guidelines include ablation. Despite the expectations of many, because in writing the guidelines we did not have many large trials to support ablation as a first choice, ablation remains as a Class IIa indication for patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation and normal heart function. Recently, the American Guidelines have classified the same category of patients as a Class I indication; we remain as Class IIa. We suggest these patients are treated first with drugs and if drugs fail then go to ablation. Of course, in individual cases you can prioritize ablation before the drugs with this category of patients (symptomatic, very young and with normal hearts). But officially the guidelines indicate that for patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation and more-or-less normal hearts, ablation of the pulmonary veins as a Class IIa indication.
  International Circulation: What is your opinion of the HAS-BLED score and the CHA2DS2-VASc score from your personal clinical experience?
  《国际循环》:您对HAS-BLED及CHA2DS2 VASC评分标准怎样看?
  Dr Vardas: They are very important scores to keep your rationale under certain rules.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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