
[AHA2011]抗栓治疗研究进展——Jeffrey Weitz 教授专访

作者:  JeffreyWeitz   日期:2011/11/16 19:00:09



    <International Circulation>: When does the AMPLIFY Extension study come out?
   《国际循环》:AMPLIFY Extension study研究是什么时候出现的?
    Prof. Weitz: The study recruitment is done and is in the follow-up stages, so it should be some time next year.
    <International Circulation>:   Regarding the D-dimer test, in your presentation you said that people with a negative D-dimer patients had about a 6% recurrence rate.  Could you elaborate on that result?
    Prof. Weitz: In one study it was between 5-6% annual risk.  It is not so low it is like absence of risk.  That is why we are doing the D-dimer study, to really clearify what the risk is when the D-dimer is negative and know whether the risk is low enough to say that it is ok to not give anticoagulation.  Our suspicion is that it is probably not low enough.

    <International Circulation>:  If you find out that this is not low enough, what else is there?
    Prof. Weitz:  Then it will be like the atrial fibrillation population, once they have AF we want to reduce their risk of stroke and give them life-long anticoagulation.  I think with unprovoked VTE patients whose D-dimer is negative it may be the same thing, they have some propensity to recurrence and need to be committed to long-term therapy.  Our challenge is to find the most convenient therapy, low intensity anticoagulation after and initial high intensity therapy course.
    Weitz教授: 那就会像房颤患者一样,一旦他们有了房颤,我们就像减少中风的风险,给予他们终生抗凝治疗。我认为无诱因的VTE患者,他们的D二聚体结果为阴性,这可能是一回事,他们就有一定的复发倾向,需要长期抗凝治疗。我们面临的挑战就是发现最方便的治疗,开支高强度抗凝治疗后予以低强度抗凝。

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