
[AHA2011]WHO STEPS监测系统与中国调查系统开展情况——David Goff 教授专访

作者:  DavidGoff   日期:2011/11/17 14:48:34



     David Goff   美国威克森林大学Baptist医学中心

    <International circulation>:  Do you feel that the WHO Steps program is the most important first step or that there should be other first steps taken before people implement the WHO STEPS program?

    Prof. Goff:  The STEPS program is a good step but perhaps even before that countries should know about their policy landscape.  In different countries there may be different policy landscapes.  In the United States it is very important to know what is going on at the state and local levels because there are very few federal policies that affect cardiovascular health specifically.  For example, smoking bans at workplaces, restaurants, and bars is not made at the federal level but rather at the state or local level.  If we are going to make progress at preventing cardiovascular disease by promoting the adoption of smoke-free policies we need to know the status of this type of policy at the state and local level across the United States.  This may also be true in many countries that do not have a federal policy but may have policies the sub-jurisdictional level.  Policies on sodium in the food supply may also be a federal or state level policy, depending on the country.  Policies on things like access to enhanced 911, emergency medical care services would also be useful to know about before things like STEPS.  Availability of fresh fruits and vegetables, availability of low-fat dairy, these are policy and environmental surveillance tools that may be more important than knowing an individual person’s cholesterol level or dietary practices.  If fruits and vegetables are not available then a person cannot be consuming them.  It is quite important for administrative leaders at federal, state, and local levels to know whether there is good access to healthy food before going out to investigate whether people are consuming healthy food.  STEPS is very important but it might not be the appropriate first step.


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