
[CIT2012]新一代DES的研发方向——Stephan Windecker教授访谈

作者:  StephanWindecker   日期:2012/3/28 17:04:14



  International Circulation: You mentioned stents that require no anti-thrombotic medication; what would we need to do to a stent in order to make it not require anti-thrombotic medication?
  Stephan Windecker:  The ideal stent would not require any anti-platelet therapy and you would not worry about latent discontinuation of such therapy.  At this point this is just a dream.  We should always be looking for an ideal platform that would achieve this it would be a very promising one.
  Stephan Windecker:理想的支架不需要任何抗血小板治疗,你无需再担心抗栓治疗中断的可能。但目前这还只是一个梦想。我们会一直寻求能够实现这一理想的平台,这个设想有着非常光明的前景。
  International Circulation:  One platform approaching the ideal one may be the completely bioabsorbable scaffolding.  How far away do you think that is?  And do you think that such a platform is worth going after?
  Stephan Windecker:  The scaffolding platform is already available in clinical trials and is available commercially in Europe and has CE approval.  The technology is already here to be used and in the next few years we will better define the indications for its use and better understand whether it offers additional value beyond the already used polymer-based DES.
  Stephan Windecker:该支架平台已经在进行临床试验,且在欧洲已经上市并获得CE批准。这项技术已经进入临床应用,在未来几年内我们将更好地定义其适应证,更好地理解其是否能带来超过当前基于聚合物的DES的更大价值。
  International Circulation:  That is just it, so far it hasn’t been proven to be of any additional value clinically.
  Stephan Windecker:  It is a completely new technology and has many ongoing studies to address these questions in organized trials.  It takes that effort and the natural course of conducting studies to know these things.
  Stephan Windecker:这是一项全新的技术,有多项临床试验正在进行中,试图回答上述问题。通过实施研究才可以获得更多信息。
  International Circulation:  Do you think there are any improvements that need to be made in order to make it better or do you think that we just need more time to be able to see the improvement?
  Stephan Windecker:  There will be improvements on this technology.  Currently it is quite thick because of the material properties.   In the future there will certainly be developments in the direction of making scaffolding thinner.  It is just a novel technology that is still in its infancy.
  Stephan Windecker:这项技术将会不断完善。目前由于所使用的材料特性所限,支架结构还比较厚。未来会随着技术发展,使支架平台变得更薄。这是一项崭新的技术,可以说还处在“婴儿”阶段。

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍

Stephan WindeckerDES

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