
[ESH2012]肾脏去神经治疗与高血压——Joachim Weil教授访谈

作者:  J.Weil   日期:2012/5/11 15:17:23



  International Circulation: What can you tell us about baroreflex therapy?
  Dr Weil: We are starting it in our hospital as well. It is even more invasive than renal denervation. We are taking part in a clinical study with heart failure and the baroreflex but what we also want to do is if we have people who do not react to renal denervation therapy we can offer them this baroreflex pacemaker. Another important question that is often asked is can we perform denervation twice as we do in atrial fibrillation ablation? Nobody knows. But in AF the success rate is 60% on the first procedure which is very low compared to this procedure. Every question we have has to be included in a randomized clinical trial in order to get an answer.
  International Circulation: There are still indeed a lot of unanswerable questions in this field. Because baroreflex therapy is a more invasive procedure, is it being considered as a second-line, third-line or even fourth-line therapy after renal denervation?
  Dr Weil: As I see it, we have lifestyle, medication, renal denervation and then baroreflex therapy. It is very invasive although it is improving with smaller electrodes and they are getting very good success rates, over 90% at the clinical study level. It is another option. We have seen people in 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring with an average of 170mmHg. These people are at very high risk, so for these people who genuinely have therapy resistant hypertension, these procedures will be beneficial. It is a last resort but it is a resort.
  Weil博士:我们都知道,高血压的治疗手段包括生活方式干预、药物治疗、肾交感神经射频消融术和血管压力感受反射治疗。后者造成的创伤相当大,尽管随着体积更小的电极的应用,创伤性已经有所下降,成功率也相当不错,临床研究中观察到90%以上的成功率。血管压力感受反射治疗是一种治疗选择。我们接诊过24小时动态血压监测下平均血压为170 mm Hg的患者。这些患者的风险非常高,因此对于这些实际上难治性的高血压,新的治疗手段会对他们有所帮助。新的治疗手段是最后的选择,但也不失为一个办法。

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍


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