[CHC2012]心力衰竭中的心肾综合征:从病理生理学到新疗法——德国柏林Virchow-Klinikum大学Stefan D. Anker教授专访
Stefan Anker教授:德国柏林洪堡大学附属Charité医院。在心力衰竭和恶病质方面深有研究。是欧洲心力衰竭协会委员会成员以及数个重要的同行评议的杂志委员会成员。
International Circulation: How will these initial indicators affect treatment?
Dr Anker: In heart failure, there are several therapies that adversely impact kidney function, so dose adjustment is important. There are several treatments that are restricted to certain degrees of cardiac dysfunction; if the ejection fraction is less than 25%, 35%, or 45% then there is a selection of drugs and devices for these patients. Therapy can be modified in terms of “yes” and “no” and in terms of dose adjustments. These choices rely on the biomarkers and the clinical experience of the treating physician.
International Circulation: Are patients with heart failure and significantly reduced kidney function contraindicated for the use of ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARBs)?
Dr Anker: It depends on how much is meant by significantly impaired. When the GFR is above 30 mL/min, I would say ACE inhibitors and ARB treatment is still acceptable. Below that, you have to be careful and assess all the co-morbities of the patient. In this case, a lower dose for that patient would be appropriate.
Anker教授:这取决于肾功能明显障碍的定义是什么。当GFR> 30 ml/min时,我认为ACEI和ARB治疗还是可以接受的。如果GFR < 30 ml/min,就得谨慎些,需评价患者并存疾病。此时,给予更低剂量的治疗药物是合适的。