
[GWICC2010]药物洗脱支架最新进展——Manesh Patel教授专访

作者:  ManeshPatel   日期:2010/10/19 13:51:19



    <International Circulation>: Would you please share with us the key points of your presentation at this congress entitled “New Advances in DES”?

    Dr Patel: I think at this stage it is still hope because we have not seen clinical data to say there are key advances yet. The hope is that we will change the platforms that the drugs are on. When I think of a drug-eluting stent, there are three parts: there is the metallic stent itself, which may be changed into bioabsorbable material; there is the polymer; and then there is the actual drug itself. With regards to the drug itself, we have made some small but important incremental differences. I think we have a sense of what drugs work for restenosis but they are not substantially changing my view of it. However the polymer and the stent platform are. If we get to the point where we don’t have a residual polymer or we don’t have a metallic stent and we actually have bioabsorbable stents, then that will be a substantial move forward. The key limitation at this point is radial strength and the ability to keep the artery open acutely when you do an intervention.


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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张衡

药物洗脱支架DES 血管内超声IVUSPCIManesh Patel教授

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