

C. Richard Conti, M.D, MACC, FESC University of Florida, US.

作者:国际循环网   日期:2007/12/13 17:12:00


C. Richard Conti, M.D, MACC, FESC University of Florida, US.

<International Circulation>: You have been an editor-in-chief of Clinical Cardiology for many years. Can you give us some advice on how to get papers published in your journal or other  English journals? Can you recommend some journals to send manuscript?

Prof. Conti: First of all, you have to get good data and good ideas. The majority of Chinese can not write English properly. That does not mean they do not have good data, the only problem they have is poor expression of their thoughts in English. As an editor, I advise anybody in China if your English is not something that you feel comfortable with, get someone who is good at it to read the manuscript and rewrite sentences. Don’t change the data, just rewrite the presentation. That helps a lot. You know, good data get published, bad data do not get published. If you write it in proper English and proper sentences, it will help you a lot; because it is not easy to get things published. There are a lot of journals, but there also are a lot of people writing papers too. In my journal, the acceptance rate is no more than 20%~25%. In some journals it is 10%. In other journals, it is single digit. But the JACC and Circulation are also very good choice in cardiology. They are the best journals to whom you can send your manuscript.

<International Circulation>: In China, Dr. Hu Dayi is advocating the concept that cardiac surgeon and interventional cardiologists should work hand in hand and share the same cardiac department. What is your opinion about that?

Prof. Conti: I totally agree with that. What we need to do is that surgeon and interventional cardiologist agree with what is the best therapy for the patient. In my institution, our surgeons feel the same way. If the best therapy for the patient is PCI, let us do it. If our interventional people say this is too risky for PCI, we will go to cardiac surgery. The idea here is to get what is best for the patients. All of these people need medical therapy. It is not just about PCI or surgery for the patients, they also need control of blood pressure, diabetes, lipids, and smoking cessation, etc.



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