
[ACC2011]Sei Iwai博士谈心源性猝死一级预防策略和ICD植入后并发症的管理

作者:  SeiIwai   日期:2011/3/29 16:07:18



    <International Circulation>:Is it your opinion that implantable cardiac defibrillators are being overused?


    Dr Iwai: That’s a tough question to answer. I think the problem with that lies in the healthcare system and the incentives and disincentives, as it were, that are placed on physicians from multiple angles. A lot of patients are demanding devices and even though they demand it and we tell them that it is not appropriate, they will go doctor shopping so they might find someone who will agree to it. Ejection fractions by echocardiogram or other measures can be somewhat subjective and also given variation in the level of expertise of the reader, there can be misinterpretations of left ventricular function as well as congestive heart failure class. So I think there is some overuse of ICDs. I do, however, want to point out that the recent article published in JAMA was somewhat misleading and I would point you to the Heart Rhythm Society for a statement regarding this.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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