
[ASH2012]获得心血管疾病有用标志物的策略——英国Glasgow大学心血管研究中心Anna F. Dominiczak教授专访

作者:  A.F.Dominiczak   日期:2012/5/28 15:55:46



  <International Circulation>:Can you tell us more about your talk at this ASH Meeting, ‘Strategies to Get Useful Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Disease’?
  Prof. Dominiczak: I think it is a very exciting topic because we already have a number of traditional, so-called “old” biomarkers but we are also developing new biomarkers and the question is what will be useful for patients? Clearly there is curiosity research underway looking at new pathways and biomarkers but not all of them will become clinically applicable and clinically useful. The question is not only how to best select these biomarkers but also how to do new things with the future in mind. My talk is in two parts. I talk about the more traditional biomarkers such as CRP and others of that family that are laboratory biomarkers and are measured in people’s blood. We need to remember that biomarkers are broader than just that. In fact, careful clinical examination, talking to patients and very sophisticated imaging can all be classed as biomarkers. The issue is to select the best. I believe there will be a combination of biomarkers rather than a single biomarker that can answer all of our questions.


  <International Circulation>:They seem to be an eclectic group of many medical procedures that can lead to a conclusion.
  Prof. Dominiczak: Biomarkers could serve many ends in medicine. They can be predictive which is the way we normally think of biomarkers as risk predictors and can they tell us whether this particular patient or group of patients are at risk of cardiovascular disease in our case. But you can also use biomarkers to discover new disease causation and how completely novel pathways can be uncovered by searching for biomarkers. It is also clinically very useful to have biomarkers that tell us who will respond to which treatment and this is the basis of the now popular personalized approach of stratified medicine which predicts which drug is best for a subgroup of patients and be free of side effects.


  <International Circulation>: Do you go looking for biomarkers or do biomarkers present themselves and then you decode them?
  Prof. Dominiczak: Both. Traditional biomarkers have of course been with us for decades. Cholesterol is a biomarker; blood pressure is a biomarker; and we use them to put risk equations together in Framingham and others. They found us but we can also use modern biomedical technologies such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics to search for completely new biomarkers and we have been doing that in Glasgow I think fairly successfully. It has been very exciting.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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