Richard Heuser教授 美国圣卢克医疗中心
<International Circulation>: Chronic total occlusion (CTO) which has low surgical success rate and high restenosis or re-occlusion rate is one difficulty of intervention. Would you please talk about the new progress of the techniques and methods in terms of the treatment of CTO?
Prof. Heuser: In terms of peripheral CTOs, the problem with peripheral vascular disease is that the majority of patients with symptomatic peripheral vascular disease will have at least a short occlusion. The nice thing is that current technology, including hydrophilic wires, some committed crossing devices, are effective, in over 90 percent of chronic total occlusions in the superficial femoral artery, popliteal (artery) and below. The technology is there, the success rate is very high. The question is, how can you safely do it as well as how can you do it without comprising flow distally. This is an important thing and also, there are two groups, one of the claudicants and the other group is patients with critical leg ischemia (CLI). The success rate can still be over 90 percent in both groups, however.
<International Circulation>: For the treatment of peripheral vascular disease (PAD), what are the updates of the latest European and American guidelines? What are the indications of endovascular intervention? How do you think about its role in the treatment of PAD?
Prof. Heuser: Even in task 3, the most difficult lesions, most vascular surgeons and certainly busy interventional radiologists, busy interventional cardiologists will propose endovascular first in virtually all lesions. It’s a situation where if failure occurs, either restenosis or thrombosis, a surgical option is a secondary option. Usually, it’s intervention first.
<International Circulation>: As we know, you conducted a preclinical study about single electrode through the pelvis of radiofrequency catheter ablation of resistant hypertension. What results you have gotten? What do you think are the main mechanisms and clinic indications of this non-vascular system for treating resistant hypertension? How do you think about its application prospects?
Prof. Heuser: Basically, what we have proposed is the biggest, hottest thing in internal medicine these days—the treatment of hypertension with renal denervation. Many investigators have approached this in an intra-arterial manner because the nerves run parallel to the arteries, but there are a lot of other innervations of the kidneys. In fact, from work done by real experts in this field, not myself, we have found out that there are a plethora of nerves in the renal collecting system, particularly in the renal pelvis. What we uniquely found out about them is that there is a much wider abundance of afferent nerves – afferent nerves are the ones that go up from the kidney to the brain – and are very much involved in this central, symptomatic tone. So, our concept is that we treat through the urethra and up the ureter and into the collecting system, with energy applied to the pelvis. What is very unique about it, and we’ve done this and seen in this in our sheep, as well as pigs, is that the nerves are very superficial to the pelvis. So, we think we can apply not-very-high energy for a very short duration. But we are doing our preclinical studies to freeze the design and we will be reporting our clinical results shortly, probably in the spring of this next year.