
[ASH2009]“盐与健康世界行动组织”主席、英国高血压学会主席Graham MacGregor教授访谈

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/5/14 11:21:00


There is a very high prevalence of being sensitive to the effects of salt in Chinese, and it has been proved that high dietary intake of salt results in hypertension, stroke risk. What’s your opinion about the relationship between salt intake and stroke? Do you think the high incidence of stroke is directly related with high dietary Intake of salt in China? 中国人具有很高的盐敏感性。已知高盐摄入会增加高血压、中风风险。如何看待食盐与中风的关系?是否认为中国的中风高发病率与每日盐摄入量过多直接相关?



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