
[ESC2009]聚焦BARI 2D研究:瑞典Karolinska大学LG Mellbin教授访谈

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/1 11:56:00


1,BARI 2D是一项具有里程碑意义的研究,首次聚焦于糖尿病和心脏病患者,请您谈谈BARI 2D研究的价值?2,BARI 2D研究表明在优化药物治疗基础上进行积极血运重建治疗在减少主要复合终点事件(死亡或主要心血管事件)方面并无优势,您对此结果如何看待?


LG Mellbin 瑞典斯德哥尔摩心脏协会

Cardiology Unit, Institution of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

International Circulation:  BARI 2D is a landmark study, the first time to focus on patients with diabetes and heart disease. How do you assess it’s value?

Linda Mellbin:  I think it is a very important study.  It is the first time if you consider the revascularization part, but it is not the first study to focus on diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  The study has two parts, the revascularization portion and the glucose monitoring portion.

International Circulation:   BARI 2D study shows that intensive medical therapy based on prompt revascularization therapy has no advantage in reducing the main composite endpoint events (death or major cardiovascular events), what do you think about the result?

Linda Mellbin:  It is very interesting to see that.  We can do a lot of good with medical treatment as well as a lot of good with lifestyle interventions.  But if you look in subgroup populations in the trial, you can see that CABG is superior in certain cases.  But, of course, it is good for us to know that we can do something with lifestyle and medications as well, in addition to surgical interventions. 


LG MellbinBARI2D研究糖尿病血运重建

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