

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/3 19:00:00



International Circulation:  Can you talk about your view or your opinion about a single pill combination in antihypertensive therapy?


Professor Unger:  Single pill combination means that several different drug components are contained in one single pill.  Since we use five or six different classes of drugs  in hypertension, we  add them to each other in different types of combination in one single pill.  Some of these single pill combinations make probably more sense than others and have been employed in treating patients for many years now.  I think of course of the combination of the ACE inhibitor with a diuretic or an  AT1 receptor antagonist (ARB) with a diuretic.  In the more recent past, fixedcombinations of an ARB or ACE inhibitor with a calcium antagonist have been introduced, and that also seems to be quite a good combination.  Going further,, one can even combine three antihypertensive components in a single pill, for instance an ARB, a diuretic, and a calcium antagonist.  So there are many possibilities of combining between the five drug classes that we have in treating hypertension. 




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