
[WHC2009]Lars Hjalmar Lindholm教授谈自我血压监测与预后

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/5 9:31:00


International Circulation: Compared with office or ambulatory BP measures, how do we evaluate the relationship between self-measurement and prognosis? 《国际循环》:与诊室血压或ABPM相比,如何评价自我血压监测与预后的相关性?

    International Circulation: What comments and suggestions do you have for Chinese hypertension prevention and treatment?


    Prof Lindholm: I really don’t have any special comments for the Chinese. Get blood pressure down and you avoid stroke. Remember that non-fatal stroke is  the most expensive diagnosis we have in medicine, along with alcoholism. People get a stroke and die, it’s sad. People get a stroke and live and there isn’t much we can do about it. And it is preventable. The sad thing is that all over the world we under treat high blood pressure yet it is one of the few things we can treat.

    Prof. Lindholm:我确实没有任何针对中国人的特殊评价。将血压降低即能避免卒中。与酗酒相似,非致死性卒中是目前诊断所需花费最高的疾病。如果人们罹患卒中而死亡,这很遗憾,而即使能够幸存,我们也没有太多治疗措施。卒中虽能够被预防(如控制血压),遗憾的是全世界对高血压的治疗均不充分,而高血压却是为数不多的可治疾病之一。

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