
室性心动过速导管消融术--Young-Hoon Kim教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/19 10:12:00




  International Circulation: The standard energy source for catheter ablation of VT is radiofrequency energy. Could you please compare cryoablation to RF ablation? What is the advantage and disadvantage of cryoablation?


  Young-Hoon Kim: So far data that supports cryoablation is limited. One disadvantage for cryoablation is that this technique cannot be used in transmural lesions and the effect is transient. If the VT locus is very close to important structures such as His bundle or other His-purkinje areas, RF ablation may not be appropriate. In these cases, cryoablation is a better choice. In most cases RF is the superior technique rather than cryoablation. Cryoablation was considered initially an alternative energy but now I think it is being used much less often than RF ablation.

  Young-Hoon Kim教授:冷冻消融不能运用于透壁损伤并且其效果是暂时性的。如果VT部位非常靠近重要结构如希氏束或其希氏蒲肯野区域,射频消融就不合适,冷冻消融是较好的选择。在大部分情况下,射频能量优于冷冻能量。

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