

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/4/9 9:37:00


In the treatment of ACS and AMI, does the selection of a specific DES matter in clinical outcomes?

<International Circulation>: What is the significance of the COMPARE trial versus other trials studying the Xience V stent?

Prof. Smits: The all-comers concept, which is a real world situation, in comparison to the randomized control trials like SPIRIT II/III/IV trials that had restrictive exclusion criteria. In this case all patients that were eligible for PCI and came to the centers were included and the results reflected those specific patients. What I would like to stress is that in the COMPARE trial 60% of our patients presented with ACS and it is common now that a majority of our patients that we treat with PCI are admitted with and acute coronary syndrome and this specific subset of patients are often excluded from randomized control trials.

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