

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/4/9 9:37:00


In the treatment of ACS and AMI, does the selection of a specific DES matter in clinical outcomes?

<International Circulation>:  The 2009 updated ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients with STEMI and the ACC/AHA/SCAI Guidelines for PCI preferred DES to BMS for patients undergoing emergent PCI (class IIa/level B). Can you comment on this recommendation? Also, what do you think about the role of BMS in the future; will they be replaced completely by DES?

Prof. Smits: This recommendation is quite new and this class IIa/level B, which means that you can contemplate using drug-eluting stents in a STEMI patient. As usual, there is a short time lag between the guidelines and current clinical practice, but I think they are correct. There is no hard indication yet to place a DES in all STEMI patients. I would like to emphasize that you can’t generalize all drug-eluting stents and there are going to be some differences between different drug-eluting stents in STEMI patients. I personally believe that DES will replace BMS, although on economic grounds there may still be a place for bare-metal stents in a certain subset of patients.

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