第78届欧洲动脉粥样硬化学会年会(EAS 2010)
第78届欧洲动脉粥样硬化学会年会(EAS 2010)于2010年6月20日 ——23日在德国汉堡召开,超过2000人前往参加了本届激动人心的大会。大会内容丰富,涵盖了脉粥样硬化和心血管疾病研究和治疗方面的最新进展、最亟待解决的问题和最具争议的话题。形式多种多样,除了口头演讲和壁报展示以外,还设有系列讲座、专题讨论会和教育论坛等。《国际循环》萃取大会精华,奉献给广大读者。
<International Circulation>: Could you please summarize the latest progress of the Hamburg Trial; which is a prospective observation of 2000 healthy workers for the development of metabolic syndrome?
Prof. Beisiegel: The aim of the study is to find early biomarkers for insulin resistance and diabetes which should be followed in their relevance over a ten year time period. The recruiting process has just been finalized a few months ago and there are only preliminary data available in the moment. Incidentally we found that in this population of healthy workers only 26% have no risk factor at all. Checking for the five features defined as markers for the metabolic syndrome, namely high waist circumference, high blood pressure, high glucose levels, high triglycerides or low HDL cholesterol, we found 17% with confirmed metabolic syndrome (three of these features). And even though the cohort has a mean age of only 42 years, already 57% expressed one or two of those risk factors.
<International Circulation>: What is the role of endogenous apolipoprotein E in adipogenic differentiation?
Prof. Beisiegel: Adipose tissue needs apolipoprotein E for its differentiation and in absence of this apoprotein, as demonstrated in apolipoprotein E protein knockout cells or mice, adipose tissue does not develop normally. This is a very important finding and one of the many physiological functions of apolipoprotein E.