
[CHC2014]心力衰竭管理的现状和挑战 ——Mariell Jessup教授专访

作者:  MariellJessup   日期:2014/8/14 14:56:38



美国宾夕法尼亚大学医院Mariell Jessep教授

  International Circulation: I am joined today by Dr. Mariell Jessup, she has spent what has probably been an exciting year as the President of the American Heart Association and we welcome you here Dr. Jessup.

  《国际循环》:非常高兴今天能采访到AHA前任主席Mariell Jessup教授。

  Dr. Jessup: Thank you.


  International Circulation: Thank you for spending time with us today.


  Dr. Jessup: It is my pleasure to be here today.


  International Circulation: With this year’s CHC, the title of your plenary session was “Heart Failure: State of the ART and Challenge”. If you would give us maybe


  Dr. Jessup: I talked about all of the progress that we have made in the treatment of heart failure. Heart failure is a story of our success in other issues, in particular in saving patient’s lives with myocardial infarctions and arrhythmias. Patients now live but they live with heart failure, plus we are seeing more heart failure because our populations are getting more elderly. They are living longer but since heart failure is a disease of the elderly we are seeing more heart failure. If we divide heart failure into those patients who have a low ejection fraction, HFrEF, then we have lots of treatments. We have had good treatments that make people feel better and live longer and we have had these for a long time. In fact we are waiting for a new drug that actually may be working differently than the drugs we’ve used before. But if we talk about the other group of patients with heart failure, HFpEF, or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, we are very frustrated because there has been a number of trials now but yet we have not found anything that definitively makes people feel better and live longer. We have new knowledge about inherited disorders and inherited cardiac muscle disorders that cause heart failure but I think that compels us to begin a much better job at screening patients and understanding the genetics. Finally we are seeing a new population of patients with heart failure, patients that have heart failure because they have had cancer chemotherapy. That kind of heart failure can have its onset five or ten or even 15 years after patients underwent chemotherapy. There is a lot of good news and a lot of challenges that face us.


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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:侯丹丹

心力衰竭射血分数 HFrEF HFpEF

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